The Pilates is a technique comprising of specific exercises and physical movement aimed at muscle stretching, body strengthening, and the search for balance and the awareness of this stability. Joseph Hubertus Pilates found, by means of a constant training and great attention on breathing, not only a priceless and beneficial physical activity but also a method which could be used as complementary to different kinds of sport training as well as a discipline which could be used as rehabilitation from many illnesses.

This method produces a number of beneficial effects on the body if practiced constantly as J.H. Pilates teaches.



Maximum focus and concentration help to gain a higher awareness of the held posture in each exercise; the mind must be the supervisor to every single part of the body. However, the required focus does not end during the exercise, but it extends to all the aspects of one’s own body. In this way you become aware of the posture held during the exercise.


On every part of the body; Inconsiderate and disregarded movements must be avoided; Moving without control could lead to injuries; the Pilates method teaches to have full control of the body and not to be at its service.


Synonym of Power House, regarded as the focal point of strength and control of all the body. The focal point is meant as a balancing principle of the pelvis thanks to the synergetic workout of the abdominal region with the lumbar one.


A summary of all the previous concepts. No movement should be carried out in a stiff and tense way, also it should not be neither too fast nor too slow; the exercise should be harmonious, graceful and fluid while maintaining control of it.


Each movement determines the balance of the muscular tone and must come close to perfection.


It must always be under control and guided by the tutor’s help, it must be coordinated with the performed exercises.


  • > Improves strength and flexibility
  • > Tones up the body
  • > Perfects posture
  • > Helps recovering from injuries
  • > Reduces stress
  • > Increases energy
  • > Enhances the immune system
  • > Develops coordination and balance
  • > Improves muscular quality
  • > Boosts good mood

Thanks to its features, the Pilates method is a type of gymnastics suitable for everyone, due to its versatility it allows to successfully reach a number of objectives with no exclusions of age or sex.
Furthermore the Pilates gymnastics is an excellent way to recover from injuries and constant every-day physical stress.
A holistic approach allows a new energetic balance and a way to root out problems enhancing respiration, correcting asymmetries and chronic weaknesses, as well as teaching how to prevent pain.
Unlike traditional gymnastics which mainly trains the external musculature, the Pilates method builds up strength from the inside through a balance between mind and body which beneficial effects are perceived in every moment of everyday life.

“After ten lessons you feel the difference, after twenty you notice it and after thirty lessons you will have a completely new body”.

- Joseph H Pilates -